Reminder to Private Employers: EE0-1 Reports Due Soon!
If you are a private employer with 100 or more employees, you must file an EE0-1 Report with the federal Joint Reporting Committee no later than September 30, 2014. The EEOC uses this employment data to detect employment patterns and to assist in civil rights enforcement. The EE0-1 Report is a snapshot of what an employer’s workforce looks like on a given day. For human resources purposes, that day should be within a pay period in July, August, or September of 2014. The report then asks for a breakdown of an employer’s workforce by race/ethnic category and sex, as well as by each of the nine occupational categories delineated by the EEOC. Since transitioning to a digital online form, this report has become less burdensome to complete, but it still is important to submit the document on time to avoid incurring penalties.
First time filers can register on the EEOC website (click here) to obtain an ID and password for submission purposes. Returning users should expect a password change for security purposes. For companies with only one location, only one report is required. For companies with multiple locations, expect to file multiple reports for each of your respective locations. Generally, companies must file a consolidated report with information on all employees in the company, a headquarters report, and a location report for each branch.
In other news, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs has also implemented new Affirmative Action Plan reporting requirements for federal contractors. As of March 24, 2014, federal contractors must adopt annual benchmarks for hiring veterans and individuals with disabilities in their workforce. This is unrelated to the EE0-1 Report, but it is a significant change in policy that human resources managers should keep in mind as we gear up for the new calendar year.
*The author would like to acknowledge Karen Grethlein for her assistance with this article.